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Tropico 6

A beautiful looking, sounding, up to date Tropico. More features, details, and abilities make this the best Tropico yet, but don’t expect anything ‘revolutionary’ in change compared to the past games.

Steel Division: Normandy 44 Review

Eugene Systems recently released  the RTS Steel Division: Normandy 44 on to PC after it spent a month in pre-order beta. Eugene Systems also did Act of Aggression: Reboot Edition in 2015. They were also the same developers  that also did R.U.S.E back in 2010. So they have quite a

Halo Wars: Definitive Edition Review

The original Halo Wars released on Xbox 360 in 2009 and while it never was a deep RTS game it brought the Halo universe into the Real Time Strategy genre for the first time. Many hardcore Halo fans would claim this was the original intention with the game before Microsoft

Civilization 6 Review

Civ 6 is an amazing game. Why? Firaxis Games have added a LOT of things that were not in Civ 5, and added a bunch of new game mechanics that drastically improve the game. First I’m going to go over a few staples of Civ which have remained the same: